Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Fallout 3.....?

When you start fallout 3,
you don't really get a tutorial,
you get told how to shoot, but not that much else...
the entire level (the escape the vault) should have been used to teach you almost everything (that doesn't spoil the game) you need to know to survive

The story of the game is good enough,
although the first few missions are chore quests (go here.. do that..... pay him..)
I played the game through on "very easy" because I like to play through games easier so that I can suck in the story the first time
it suffers from the RPG problem "random battles" but then it is an open world game...
there are tons of locations to explore..
most of them just being retarded low lighted buildings.. or subways...
but there are a few really cool places
(some of the best)
- Little lamp light, Big Town, Tenpenny tower, megaton, Rivet city (not really), Oasis, and several others (not that I have explore everything, )
The graphics are good, but not great, the guns have pixels showing... and when you go up on tenpenny tower things go crazy down below with rocks and walls disappearing and stuff.....
I like how the pip boy pauses the game
Fighting is fairly fun, after the beginning you stop running out of ammo every five minutes
although I hate fighting against those fire ants (and other fire things) because you can't see what your shooting at
V.A.T.S. is pretty cool for first person shooting, although just like anything when you use it a lot, that sound that plays when vats opens gets annoying and makes you want to punch the screen

The conpanion is awesome
I'd recommend Fawkes, the only problem is they get in the way a lot

the game is really gory.
really really gory.
Not the worst I've seen (God of War (all), Gears of War 2) but still pretty crazy,
there are these gore bags, that have like intestines and bloody body parts in them...

And if you get the "bloody mess" perk, things get crazier...
When you shoot someones head off, then the rest of their body comes apart to,
there are intestines, arteries... and pretty much everything... when you hit someone with a bomb.. or just keep using a knife on them till their corpse explodes
so this is good or bad depending on the person

There are some annoying things, like the map in the vaults...
I hate the vaults because you go in.... and then you can't remember your way out.. because there are several floors and so many rooms that all look the same

The capital is fun to explore, there are lots of cool characters
if you don't like RPGs you won't like this game
(just so you know, I didn't play the game of the year..)

Sound: 6.5 I don't really have an opinion on the actual sound, but the games soundtrack (GNR radio) (no not Guns N' Roses....) is good... but with annoying breaks for the guy to just saying the same thing over and over again
Graphics: 7.0, the graphics are fairly good, but no Call of duty.. or God of war... and there are texture problems... and the guns have pixels showing...
Story 8 the story itself is really short.. but there are TONS of side quests and places to explore, the entire post apocalyptic D.C. is a pretty cool idea, I like how they build cities out of boats and bombs
Gameplay 6.5 well... the RPG part of it is great, V.A.T.S. is cool... fighting is good, its just sort of missing something
Overall 7.5 For anyone who liked Elder Scrolls, or big RPG fans, or even Nuclear fallout fans..
but if you don't think any of those would make a good game, then take away 4 points... because this will be like skinning your self

For parents...
This game is probably not a good idea,
There is tons of swearing of almost every-word
There are drugs (whiskey vodka, beer and others)  (when you drink too much you get addicted..)
There is smoking, but you can't do it your self.
The violence is no Saw... but it is pretty bad.....

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Mirrors Edge, Five Minutes of Fun

Mirror's edge was one of the first games that I played when I started renting games,

The first few levels are extremely entertaining, (especially the second, the one where you find out that Pope is dead) they are very replayable,
but then about after 4,
the levels start to get harder and more complicated, less running around on rooftops and more in subways, and on boats and stuff,
I prefer the rooftops,

Most of the game you spend running from the blue's
although you rarely fight, (you can go through the entire game without firing a single shot (other then 1 sniper shot that is required) , and only killing a few people)
the fighting is not the star of the game.....
it is usually annoying and sometimes frustrating,
while running from a helicopter while dodging bullets is fun,

But, the sad thing is, after you have played through the game once or twice.. (other then the first 2/3 levels) you will (probably) not want to play any of it again (I also like 4 (or 5?.. can't remember)
there are speed runs.. but those only go so far (they are just the same levels as the campaign)

One of the best parts of the game is the graphics, while they aren't the best I've ever seen... (still really good)
its the style, just look at the coloring of some of the scenes,
like all white buildings with a random orange trash can.... its pretty cool, they defiantly got that part right...

Graphics: 8.0 Not really for the graphics them selves (although they are good), but more for the look of the game.... the coloring and buildings
Sound: 7 The running and jumping and (panting) and bullets all sound pretty good
Story: 4... The story is sort of non-existent in the game, while there are cut scenes this game is mainly about game play..
Game play: 6.0 Something new (I don't know if there has ever been a game like this before) and its really fun, but it only lasts 8 hours
Other speed runs are nice, and then you can always go back and there are many paths to take to cut seconds off your time,
Overall  5.0 the first few hours you play it are really great, (although you might have to look on youtube to see how to get past certain parts..)  but after that its boring...

Friday, November 20, 2009

Modern Warfare 2 Review... Worth It? Worth a Rent....

Ok, I pre ordered this game (because I played the campaign of the first game so much, and loved the mulitplayer)
about in June...
when I first put the game in I noticed something that should be in every game,
the title credits (or whatever they call them)
there was the infinity ward one and then the health warning and both can be skipped... then its straight to the
special ops multi player and campaign menu

At first I was expecting another amazing intro (like you would see in a movie) like the first game, but it was more of a normal level (if that exists in the modern warfare games)
You fight off guys from across a lake, and then you ride a vehicle through a town killing RPG soldiers, and then take hold of a school, that is held by the enemy,
after this level is when the game really gets started,
I don't want to ruin the story (because that is the high point of the modern warfare games)
but it gets awesome,
I think that they might have gone a little bit to far though.... remembering the nuke and the sniper shot... from the first game, after the first act, there are the special ops guys (141) and then the defense guys (more normal soldiers) and the 141 goes around the planet taking out bad guys and hunting down names and information and stuff...
I think that the level where you fly out of the exploding building on a helicopter was just plain going to far.
It was beyond possible.
It was ridiculous.

The defense side of the story was actually (in general) better then the other ones.
The graphics are really good, (but they aren't Play Station only, so they will never get a 10)
after you finish the story (if you actually liked it) then you will probably replay it a few more times, probably on harder difficulty's.
So far the story would get a 9

Special ops is a joke, just like forge in halo (although they are not similar at all)
You might like it, you might not. I just hope that they didn't spend to much time on it, because most everyone I know, including me, tried a few ones and got bored. This is a shooter, not an arcade shooter. but its better then not being there so I give infinity ward points for that...
Then multiplayer...
"the star of the call of duty series" (random little kid on youtube)

Ya its fun but....
I hate going up against players who are so much better then me in one game, and then totally dominating in the next.. I hate all the bragging and skills and time involved.
Who really has that much time in the day????
I have 1-3  hours at most on a weekday.
And then I don't just sit down and play multi player...
I have emails, friends to talk to, websites to check, places to go.
I personally can't stand multiplayer.

But, pretty much anyone who has a really short attention span, no life, or doesn't have ADHD will love it..
so it gets points for that, plus the new things added to multi player are great (kill streaks, badges, titles ect..)

Sound: 9.0 Sound isn't really a large portion of the rating, but I think that this is the best gun sounds I have ever heard in a game
Graphics: 7.5 Really good.. and at some points great, but.. not blu ray quality..
Story: 7.5 The reason you play the game.. whats the word? gripping story... that will make you want to play the entire game (if you are actually paying attention, recommend subtitles)
Game play: 8.0 Call of Duty takes normal game play (no magic, no super powers, nothing too futuristic) and makes it fun.
Other:  (8 points) Special Ops is an add on.. nothing special.. and multi player is great for most people
Overall: 7, great game, although I don't want my money back.. I definitely wouldn't pay any more..
(I bought this game full priced + pre order)
For over nosy parents, there is swearing, there is a little bit more gore then the first modern warfare game (in one level a driver gets shot and his head sort of explodes onto the dashboard of the car.. not as bad as it sounds but still more then the rest of the game)
and then the kicker,
The level "no Russian" has you going through an airport killing civilians and cops and then Swat teams... 
the level can be turned off with no penalty.. and its not like its for no reason, its a vital part of the story 
but still makes you feel like a killer.. (and its not that long, like 2-3 minutes of killing, then 5 to escape)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Call of Duty World at War is Just a Rental..

It adds blood and gore over the other call of duty games, the beginning of the game starts off with a Japanese guy torturing an American to get information ..
Throughout the game each level is very good,
the graphics are fine, its basic call of duty gameplay, no special moves, no magic, no powers, (ya, kind of like real life..) The Dimitrii and Reznov part of the game is far superior to the American invasion of Japanese islands,
at first when you get to play as Dimitrii with Reznov.. it seems a lot like the level Gilles in the mist, from Call of duty 4....
a lot.... like it....
Basically you just sneak around .. every once and a while sniping someone or taking someone out.. until you get to General Amzel, then you assassinate him and then they chase you and you run...
but its still a really good level

Just like all of the call of duty games, the Characters have story's and personality's (not like most war games)
The weapons... well this is a game based on history.. so what do you expect lazor's or something?
the weapons are awesome
the worlds have a lot of detail (but the demo level, seems really un-polished) but other then that most of the levels are fun to play, and after you get started you may play more then one (most games I have to force my self to play..)

But the problem is .. after you finish the game, there is no reason to replay it.. well other then the last few levels...
The flame thrower levels are fun,
the game could have been longer,
the graphics on some levels are sort of boxy, but no worse then modern warfare (first one)
The ending is really good, but... since its a world war 2 game.. it has been done by every other shooter ever made...

The multiplayer is really fun... but I can't stand it.. short little rounds that have no meaning to them.. just a bunch of little kids calling each other things like (bloody belching ti*** chewer) and (f****** c**** w****) ....... ya........ I'm not eight.... so thats not fun to me..
and.... you have to be really good to have any fun, and getting better thinking that you will have more fun when you get better is all the fun, so I went through that with halo 3 and Cod4 and I'm happy to not do it again.....

oh and at the end of the game you get to play Nazi zombies (not the add on maps just what comes with the disk)
its stupid....
fun... if you enjoy walking around a room buying weapons and repairing windows and occasionally shotting a zombie.. if you like zombies so much just left 4 dead (the second one just came out)

Graphics 6 the graphics are good, but not great.. nothing less should ever be made again..
Story 8, I don't know if two guys sneaked through an entire town and assassinated a general (or whatever he was) but it makes a good story.. and its a game ..
Gameplay 7, normal shooting and fighting is fun, but I hate the parts where your in the plane or blowing up a bunker or bla bla bla.. the game should just stick to what it does best...
Other 6 Nazi zombies and multiplayer if you don't have ADHD, then you will enjoy multi player.. but I don't enjoy it.. but any sane person could... nazi zombies is just another feature to make the game a little bit better
I think the game has co-op.. thats cool, first game to have it in the CoD series I think...
Replayablity 4 almost none... I only replayed a few levels, and only because there were easy achivements I missed.. maybe its because its a WW2 game... donno.. but I'm sure glad that I didn't have to pay for it..
but  multi player is addictive
Overall 5 very enjoyable rental... but nothing more, multi player might make it worth a purchase

(I think I gave this game to high of a score so (6) I'm changing it to 5)

for nosy parents, the game has swearing, during the plane level it gets bad...
(several F bombs during the chaos, but you can't really hear them without subtitles on)
and the violence is the most in the series, 
arms and legs come off with grenades and bombs, there is one scene of torture, (not very bad..)
and at the end you will see a man crawling with no limbs on....
in between levels you will also see real footage of world war 2, but nothing is really that bad...

Monday, November 16, 2009


This review is going to be really short because I only played the game for like 2 hours...
ok at first when you start playing the game you are at day 17 or 18 .. when the city is completely out of control.. and you are really strong...
then after the taste of the game, you go to being really weak were you can get killed in only a few shots, or a single missle,
after the first mission you can get upgrades.. but these don't unlock very fast...
one of the first things I did was run around killing people, its fun for a while, throwing cars, making chaos.. and that stuff.... fun for like 30 minutes..
The graphics are really boxy, and old...
We have games like Uncharted 2, and Metal Gears solid 4 on play station, and then Gears of war, Halo 3 (was good in 2007) and Fallout 3 (multi platform) on 360..
why can't these other games do it?
graphics are half the game....
the reason people go out and buy new games (that might not be good) instead of old ones (like oblivion, and Knights of the old republic) that you know are good, but graphics suck... is because almost no one cares if the game is good, (unless it sucks ridiculously), the graphics are half the game, and they usually come with really nice polished games (like call of duty 4, and uncharted 2)

Now just going around the town throwing cars at people is fun for a little while but gets old fast...
and the extra powers (what ever they are called, the spikes the hammer fist.. strength and some others) other then the claws... suck and should only be used for certain things (Strength for throwing cars at helicopters, and hammers for killing tanks..)
as soon as you get to the infection (where you actually fight it) the game goes really far down hill...
they can throw you around and they can go as fast as you... and its hard to fight more then one or two at a time...
the story is OK... its sort of like Mirrors edge (I don't really know how.. but I guess... everyone is after you, and you have a safe house..... you have to escape the cops and army ...ect...)

Fighting is most of the fun in the game,
(get the flying power up, and the silent consume ones as soon as they unlock, they are really useful)
(now that I think about it I should make a mirrors edge review.. it was one of the first games I rented)
basically you will go on  missions.. just consuming someone or stealing a tank.. or bla bla bla...
boring stuff...
and usually you will get chased by strike teams (making it nearly impossible to get into tanks) and then those infected beasts (making it nearly impossible to kill either the helies or the infected things...)
and you will go on these big chases around the city fighting to survive (unlike in Left 4 Dead, where it is actually fun.).

So I quit. It got to the point where I had to force my self to play and was only able to do 1 mission at a time (if that, oh and if you save and quit half way through a mission, you have to restart the mission but you keep your powers and EP)

Graphics: 5 boring... the cut scenes are actually good though (for a game.. most games make 480P quality cut scenes at best)
Story: 6 the story is your infected and you want to know why, you have no memories and you don't care who you have to kill (sounds like a really bad south park episode) story is good.. but it doesn't really go anywhere with actual game play you just run around consuming people and....
Gameplay: 9/3 the running around town killing people is awesome, the fighting foot soldiers is awesome, but the second your fighting helicopters and things that can actually kill you your not so much of an antihero.. just a freak...
Other:  a lot of the upgrades are cool... there are some side missions.. the city looks really nice at night (ya when you can hardly tell that a 2005 game had better graphics) (Manhattan is the city I believe)
Overall: 3.5 the game is worth a rent, but not right now with call of duty modern warfare 2, left 4 dead 2, and so many more games coming out...
this is for overcareful parents.. 
there is a LOT of swearing, I'm not sure, but I think this is the most I've ever heard in a game, nothing really bad but they use all kinds of "army talk" (F*** this s*** were gonna die!!) (d*** what the h*** is that f****ng thing?) are examples
and the gore is pretty bad, but only when you use the blades (people get sliced in half and half's of body's lye all over the street...)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fable 2 Is Short Lived....

Fable 2 is a Medieval/Magic RPG
It is sort of open world, but not like Fallout 3 or Oblivion
After the beginning you can either, start on your main quest, or
go around earning money and getting better armor and buying houses and renting for money,
there are only a few diferent places to go
there are several Bowerstone places, (Market, Town, Cemetery)
and there is another almost full city, and then another location with several houses but not really full (Oak field)
Each location is fun and cool, with lots of secrets to discover
As you play through the story you will round up several "heroes" and then when you finish the game you will have three options..
you may want to replay the game to try the other two that you didn't choose
there are a lot of times throughout the game that you may want to replay and see how it comes out different..
The graphics are sort of cartoonish.... but really bad at the same time, and there is no excuse for that

When people talk about their "fable dog" tell them to shut up, the dog is annoying, worthless and the only reason to keep him is for the achievements about playing games with your dog..
supposedly he can fight..
he never once got a kill for me...
The fighting is pretty much all the same thing, but its fun the ranged weapons are fun, the melee are fun and the magic... is great.. but not until you have upgraded it to 3 or 4 or even 5 for some of them

There are lots of mini games that you can replay
and you will probably find at least one character that you like for one reason or another.

Graphics: 4.0 There is no excuse at all... ridiculous..
Story: 5 Quite boring.. but the side quests are fun.. (and you have to do some to play the main story)
Gameplay 9: Earning money from houses you rent out, to killing citizens that don't give you discounts, its all fun but it does get old faster then it should
Overall: 6.5 Its fun the first time you play through it, and then a little bit after, but I felt no reason to play it a second time (other then get the achievements for choosing different endings)
Content: There is a little blood, there is swearing, you can do "evil" things... but you turn evil looking, oh yes and
there is "fable 2 sex" but everything is blacked out..  and there are hookers.. but you don't see anything
recommended for mature teens and above

I would recommend this game as a rental, and maybe even a buy,  for fans of RPGs and people who don't hate Medieval Magic stuff...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Mass Effect

Start off by saying
the only reason to play this game is for the story

Mass Effect was fun the first time through
at the beginning it started off sort of like the Knights of the Old Republic games, with a tutorial like level that is related to the story (a lot) and then you get somewhere but you can't get/use your ship yet and then you do some quests related to the main plot and you get it
During the entire first (second counting Eden Prime) the story is fun, and so is the gameplay
During this part of the game you will be glad that you rented/bought it


as soon as you get your ship it goes downhill FAST
it is exactly like knights of the old republic in the way that you travel to several planets and collect maps/people
basically tracking Saren trying to find a way to defeat him (he is the villain of the game)
All three (yes there are three....) planets are pretty much the same
the first one (Noveria or something like that..) is the best
with the second and third being so boring that you want to rip your hair out, although some of the side quests are fun (there is no real way to know when someone has a quest for you except sometimes you will hear someone "saying shepherd over here")
then after two of the planets are completed it will become obvious that Saren has been doing some work on another planet (that looks a lot like the unknown world from SWKOTOR 1 and that is a good thing)
and you can go there
this is were the plot really starts to pick up
I don't want to spoil anything
but after that there are two more levels

Since the game is pretty open playing... there is a lot I didn't know where to put above

side quest planets
they are randomly generated (I hope so, because they all look the same and suck)
after the first few you will probably want to just avoid them..

Side quests
there are a lot of good side quests for you to do, most of them are on the main place (Taris/Dantooine for the knights games)

Leveling is easy and worth it because you get "powers" for every few levels in each skill that can really turn the tide of a battle (not that 2 or three shots doesn't usually kill .. instantly...)

unlike the KOTOR games the armors are hardly different then each other and you will only have to change them a few times in the coarse of the game, same with the weapons (everything has upgrades that you find)

now for a few more of the problems
Major texture popping issues
pretty much everything is the same (you will raid the same bunker like 20 times..)
there is a glitch that when you get into your ship the screen will stay black forever (it happened three times to me so save before you get in)
The journals usually keep you knowing where to go, although the side quests would be better in another section so you don't confuse them..
the map is only so helpful.. because there are sometimes multiple levels and stories to one place
thats pretty much it

GRAPHICS: some of the best I have ever seen, a little bit less then Bioshock and a little bit more then Call of Duty 4 (the faces of the Characters are the best part) 8.5/10
STORY: Bioware. 9/10
GAMEPLAY: 4/10 fighting sucks... and gets really boring..
FEATURES: you can replay the campaign with your character staying at the same stats which is fun no co-op (although I see why..)3.5
Re playability:  not much.. after you beat it once and know the entire story... the middle of the game you might have to force your self to re-do.. but there are some hard choices that might make you want to see what would have happened if it had been different..3.0

Overall: 5  Fun rental for one play through and for any KOTOR fun but if you don't like RPGs (ya, those games were you talk and then fight) you won't like this game
5 for above average