about in June...
when I first put the game in I noticed something that should be in every game,
the title credits (or whatever they call them)
there was the infinity ward one and then the health warning and both can be skipped... then its straight to the
special ops multi player and campaign menu
You fight off guys from across a lake, and then you ride a vehicle through a town killing RPG soldiers, and then take hold of a school, that is held by the enemy,
after this level is when the game really gets started,
I don't want to ruin the story (because that is the high point of the modern warfare games)
but it gets awesome,
I think that they might have gone a little bit to far though.... remembering the nuke and the sniper shot... from the first game, after the first act, there are the special ops guys (141) and then the defense guys (more normal soldiers) and the 141 goes around the planet taking out bad guys and hunting down names and information and stuff...
I think that the level where you fly out of the exploding building on a helicopter was just plain going to far.
It was beyond possible.
It was ridiculous.
The defense side of the story was actually (in general) better then the other ones.
The graphics are really good, (but they aren't Play Station only, so they will never get a 10)
after you finish the story (if you actually liked it) then you will probably replay it a few more times, probably on harder difficulty's.
So far the story would get a 9
Special ops is a joke, just like forge in halo (although they are not similar at all)
You might like it, you might not. I just hope that they didn't spend to much time on it, because most everyone I know, including me, tried a few ones and got bored. This is a shooter, not an arcade shooter. but its better then not being there so I give infinity ward points for that...
Then multiplayer...
"the star of the call of duty series" (random little kid on youtube)
Ya its fun but....
I hate going up against players who are so much better then me in one game, and then totally dominating in the next.. I hate all the bragging and skills and time involved.
Who really has that much time in the day????
I have 1-3 hours at most on a weekday.
And then I don't just sit down and play multi player...
I have emails, friends to talk to, websites to check, places to go.
I personally can't stand multiplayer.
But, pretty much anyone who has a really short attention span, no life, or doesn't have ADHD will love it..
so it gets points for that, plus the new things added to multi player are great (kill streaks, badges, titles ect..)
Sound: 9.0 Sound isn't really a large portion of the rating, but I think that this is the best gun sounds I have ever heard in a game
Graphics: 7.5 Really good.. and at some points great, but.. not blu ray quality..
Story: 7.5 The reason you play the game.. whats the word? gripping story... that will make you want to play the entire game (if you are actually paying attention, recommend subtitles)
Game play: 8.0 Call of Duty takes normal game play (no magic, no super powers, nothing too futuristic) and makes it fun.
Other: (8 points) Special Ops is an add on.. nothing special.. and multi player is great for most people
Overall: 7, great game, although I don't want my money back.. I definitely wouldn't pay any more..
(I bought this game full priced + pre order)
For over nosy parents, there is swearing, there is a little bit more gore then the first modern warfare game (in one level a driver gets shot and his head sort of explodes onto the dashboard of the car.. not as bad as it sounds but still more then the rest of the game)
and then the kicker,
The level "no Russian" has you going through an airport killing civilians and cops and then Swat teams...
the level can be turned off with no penalty.. and its not like its for no reason, its a vital part of the story
but still makes you feel like a killer.. (and its not that long, like 2-3 minutes of killing, then 5 to escape)
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