Throughout the game each level is very good,
the graphics are fine, its basic call of duty gameplay, no special moves, no magic, no powers, (ya, kind of like real life..) The Dimitrii and Reznov part of the game is far superior to the American invasion of Japanese islands,
at first when you get to play as Dimitrii with Reznov.. it seems a lot like the level Gilles in the mist, from Call of duty 4....
a lot.... like it....
Basically you just sneak around .. every once and a while sniping someone or taking someone out.. until you get to General Amzel, then you assassinate him and then they chase you and you run...
but its still a really good level
The weapons... well this is a game based on history.. so what do you expect lazor's or something?
the weapons are awesome
the worlds have a lot of detail (but the demo level, seems really un-polished) but other then that most of the levels are fun to play, and after you get started you may play more then one (most games I have to force my self to play..)
The flame thrower levels are fun,
the game could have been longer,
the graphics on some levels are sort of boxy, but no worse then modern warfare (first one)
The ending is really good, but... since its a world war 2 game.. it has been done by every other shooter ever made...
The multiplayer is really fun... but I can't stand it.. short little rounds that have no meaning to them.. just a bunch of little kids calling each other things like (bloody belching ti*** chewer) and (f****** c**** w****) ....... ya........ I'm not eight.... so thats not fun to me..
and.... you have to be really good to have any fun, and getting better thinking that you will have more fun when you get better is all the fun, so I went through that with halo 3 and Cod4 and I'm happy to not do it again.....
oh and at the end of the game you get to play Nazi zombies (not the add on maps just what comes with the disk)
its stupid....
fun... if you enjoy walking around a room buying weapons and repairing windows and occasionally shotting a zombie.. if you like zombies so much just left 4 dead (the second one just came out)
Story 8, I don't know if two guys sneaked through an entire town and assassinated a general (or whatever he was) but it makes a good story.. and its a game ..
Gameplay 7, normal shooting and fighting is fun, but I hate the parts where your in the plane or blowing up a bunker or bla bla bla.. the game should just stick to what it does best...
Other 6 Nazi zombies and multiplayer if you don't have ADHD, then you will enjoy multi player.. but I don't enjoy it.. but any sane person could... nazi zombies is just another feature to make the game a little bit better
I think the game has co-op.. thats cool, first game to have it in the CoD series I think...
Replayablity 4 almost none... I only replayed a few levels, and only because there were easy achivements I missed.. maybe its because its a WW2 game... donno.. but I'm sure glad that I didn't have to pay for it..
but multi player is addictive
Overall 5 very enjoyable rental... but nothing more, multi player might make it worth a purchase
(I think I gave this game to high of a score so (6) I'm changing it to 5)
for nosy parents, the game has swearing, during the plane level it gets bad...
(several F bombs during the chaos, but you can't really hear them without subtitles on)
and the violence is the most in the series,
arms and legs come off with grenades and bombs, there is one scene of torture, (not very bad..)
and at the end you will see a man crawling with no limbs on....
in between levels you will also see real footage of world war 2, but nothing is really that bad...
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